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My background is varied professional experience in the translation industry. Originally from Latvia, I have also lived in Estonia and elsewhere in Europe for several years and accordingly I speak Latvian, English, Russian, conversational Estonian and some German and French.

On Wikipedia, I have contributed mostly to Latvian Wikipedia where I used to be an admin from 2005 until 2012 when gave up my role voluntarily and relinquished the admin rights. See also my accounts on Meta and English Wiktionary.

My bookmarks


Here are some articles I have found in Wikipedia. I used to add them to my watchlist but it has grown just too much to be able to follow and differentiate between the stuff that really needs following and simply great articles that most possibly are already watched by knowledgeable Wikipedians.

Some of these articles simply crave for attention, others are a great read, and for some of them I have no idea why I've listed them. :)

This list is not necessarily alphabetised or otherwise prioritised but it should be. Or maybe it is. Nor this list should be regarded as an accurate reflection of my world view or interests. This is merely a fraction of it. Or maybe it isn't related to me at all.

I really hope this doesn't end up being similar in size to Special:Allpages...

Movies Books Language Music Web
History Leisure Urban stuff Misc. No bookmark, just stress
Laid back

Other stuff

Orion in The Book of Fixed Stars
The Book of Fixed Stars (Arabic: كتاب صور الكواكب kitāb suwar al-kawākib, literally The Book of the Shapes of Stars) is an astronomical text written by Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi (Azophi) around 964. Following the Graeco-Arabic translation movement in the 9th century AD, the book was written in Arabic, the common language for scholars across the vast Islamic territories, although the author himself was Persian. It was an attempt to create a synthesis of the comprehensive star catalogue in Ptolemy's Almagest (books VII and VIII) with the indigenous Arabic astronomical traditions on the constellations (notably the Arabic constellation system of the Anwā'). The original manuscript no longer survives as an autograph, however, the Book of Stars has survived in later-made copies. This image from the book shows the constellation of Orion, in mirror image as if on a celestial globe, and is from a copy in the Bodleian Library dated to the 12th century AD.Ilustration credit: Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi