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Talk:The Passover Plot

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What was the plot of the passover and who was behind it? Haveing trouble. Not now understanding this.

-READ the article, it explains that the "plot" was a plan by Jesus to -become- the messiah. It failed (he died) but it succeeded in creating the Christian church as a consequence. I am inclined to disagree, since such a thorough cospiracy could not have been kept secret in his lifetime (the only conspiracies that work are right out in the open). But it is plausible, seemingly. As a note: I'm an atheist.



Schonfield teases readers with a single injection of controversy as if a "Jesus" ever existed. Bible stories are so absurd and numerous to merit no respect. Taken at face value, what good does a single survivor of an execution bestow upon believers? Schonfield suggests that the story is fully true except for the impossibility of surviving the crucifixion. Egyptian and modern day embalming is an implicit if not purchased preparation for bodily resurrection. Christian mythology generally implies a "soul" or "essence" resurrection immediately after bodily death. All is pure vanity. Immortality has often been an element of mythology, Achilles for example was immune from any injury save for minor trauma to his heel. Chasing down all the beliefs in this crap is like chasing down every possible belief in Santa Claus or the tooth fairy. Buried in childhood memory or with some like me who reacted with appropriate disdain that such lies are insulting to children, loyalties to such mythology more often is evident in anger directed towards non-compliant non-believers. Schonfield and his footnotes may be of some value in researching actual evidentiary sources for a particular Roman execution, but it must be noted for the birth of this alleged Jeebus to be "true," the calendar is 4 years off as Herod died in 4 B.C.E. in a dating system that was fabricated over 600 years after the alleged year one. Josephus alleged account was altered and must be considered a forgery. The Shroud of Turin is a pathetic 700 year old painting. And as far as the escape of a baby Jeebus from the order for all 2 year old infants to be killed, there is no record of either such a genocide or the British seaport that claims to be the exile home.

my name is Larry Carter Center, AtheistVet — Preceding unsigned comment added by AtheistVet (talkcontribs) 08:34, 22 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Who does the author think the people saw three days after Jesus's death? The article says "they did not recognize him?" Who does the author think was the Jesus that came and walked and lived among the disciples for 40 days after his crucifixion?

Maybe Thomas Didymus, the twin.

Mary Magdalene and the alleged Miriam mother of Jeebus are also regaled in various statements of non-recognition of a revived dead body. Wounds in the palms and the top of two feet are both inconsistent with Roman execution method and massive tearing and gangrene inevitable with 38 hour festering, let alone 40 days of non-miraculous medicine available in Palestine.

Wounds in the wrists would have destroyed most function so that a "last supper" could not have included holding a goblet or tearing pita bread. Religionists and believers are not prone to examination of any story detail. If governments had not used religion as a military and political device, this idiotic fable would have passed into oblivion. ---- Larry Carter Center, AtheistVet — Preceding unsigned comment added by AtheistVet (talkcontribs) 08:34, 22 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]

"Jeebus?" Where does that come from? Oh, yeah, it's from your hate and anti-Christian bias. I'm sure you thought your post was funny, but it's nothing more than a poorly-formatted screed against Christianity. EPIC FAIL on your part. (talk) 19:21, 18 March 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Please sign your name using four tildes ~~~~ when making your posts on talk pages. TheMadBaron 20:12, 29 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Dear sir who made the angry, sometimes incoherent post above me: how can I take your argument seriously when you can't even bring yourself to write the name "Jesus", choosing instead to use a childish substitute "Jeebus"? It's hard to take anyone seriously who writes with such unbridled anger that they quickly resort to mockery before ever making a tangible point in their argument.

"Wounds in the wrists would have destroyed most function so that a "last supper" could not have included holding a goblet or tearing pita bread."

You're right. I think that's why the Biblical narrative has the crucifixion taking place AFTER the last supper. You jumped the gun and mocked the Biblical story for an "inaccuracy" where it had none, fool. (talk) 15:50, 13 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Typo correction?


"being imminently versed in the details of what that role entailed." should be "being eminently versed in the details of what that role entailed." 03:29, 23 March 2007 (UTC)Jim Berry 25/03/2007[reply]