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The Miami Circle, also known as The Miami River Circle or Brickell Point, is an archaeological site in downtown Miami. It consists of a perfect circle of 24 holes or basins cut into the limestone bedrock, on a coastal spit of land, surrounded by a large number of other 'minor' holes. It is the only known evidence of a permanent structure cut into the bedrock in the United States, and considerably predates other known permanent settlements on the East Coast. It is believed to have been the location of a structure, built by the Tekesta (also Tequesta) Indians, in what was possibly their capital. It was discovered in 1998, and is believed to date somewhere between 1700 and 2000 years old, though some have questioned both its age and its authenticity.



The site of 401 Brickell Avenue, named for the Brickell family who had a trading post there in the 1870s and were a founding family of Miami, had held an apartment complex until 1998. Property developer Michal Baumann purchased the site for $8.5 million in order to build a luxury condominium, and in July 1998 tore down the standing apartment complex. He was obliged to commission a routine archaeological survey of the site prior to commencement of building, and Bob Carr of the Miami-Dade Historic Preservation Division was called in to conduct the excavation.

In the course of the routine exploration, a number of holes cut into the Oolitic limestone bedrock were discovered. Surveyor Ted Riggs, on examining the layout of these holes, postulated that they were part of a circle 38 feet in diameter. Having calculated the centre, he sprayed out the likely location of the rest of the holes, were there any to be found. Excavation of the path he laid out revealed that there were indeed 24 holes forming a perfect circle in the limestone, and examination of the earth removed showed a large number of artifacts ranging from shell-tools and stone axe-heads to human teeth and charcoal from fires.

Controversy and Resolution


The developer Baumann, keen to continue contruction of his condominium, offered to pay to relocate the circle to another site for preservation, an idea that Mayor Joe Carollo accepted. But public opposition grew, with groups ranging from archaeologists and native Americans to New-agers and schoolchildren protesting that the removal could potentially destroy one of the most archaeologically significant finds in North America. The Elizabeth Ordway Dunn Foundation made a donation of $25,000 dollars to fund further exploration of the site, and this continued until February of 1999.

The plan to move the circle was going ahead, and Joshua Billig, stonemason of Rockers Stone and Supply, was brought in to carry out the relocation, but sensationally quit on February 14, 1999, having listened to arguments from the various protesters, particularly the native American groups. Using the delay this caused, County Manager for Miami-Dade Alex Penelas went to the County Commission asking them to file a lawsuit to take ownership of the property, which they approved on 18 February, and Judge Richard Feder ordered a temporary injunction on building on the site. Finally, following the suit, Baumann agreed to sell, but asked for $50 million, eventually lowered to $26.7 million. In an unprecedented move, the State of Florida Preservation 2000 land acquisition program purchased the site from Baumann for that sum in November 1999, using both state funds and donations from various foundations and private citizens.

The Miami Circle was registered on the National Register of Historic Places on 2 May, 2002.





In order to date the site, pieces of burnt wood were sent in March 1999 for radiocarbon dating by John Ricisak, a specialist in the County Historic Preservation department. The results were a surprise, indicating that the wood was between 1800-2000 years old. Although that dates the wood, there is still scepticism as to whether that is the age of the holes, or whether the wood was there previously and fell into the holes at a later date.

Further evidence to support the theory that the holes were of that age comes from Tom Scott and Harvey Means of the Florida Geological Survey, who point to the buildup of a calcite 'duracrust' on the edge of the cut face. Though this is an extremely imprecise way to date the holes, it can at least rule out that they were of modern origin.



Initial suggestions on the origin of the site were that it was created by the Olmec or Mayan civilisations. This primarily being due to their being no evidence that native North Americans built permanent structures, certainly as long ago as 2000 years. Yet no evidence was found of any artifacts of Central American origin.

Further examination of the artifacts found at the site, particularly the shell-tools, sharks teeth, and other items of aquatic origin, showed that they matched perfectly with artifacts known to be from a local tribe, the Tekesta.

The Tekesta were a tribe who were believed to be primarily nomadic, hunting fish and alligators in the Florida Everglades. They were known to be very aggressive, killing many early European settlers who attempted landfall in Florida, before eventually succumbing to the ravages of war and the many unfamiliar diseases brought by European settlers.



Dr Randolph Widmer, of the University of Houston, suggested holes were postholes for some kind of structure, probably a cone-shaped building with a hole in the top. These sorts of structures were known to have existed in the Eastern United States, yet none were thought to have had such a permanent base as the Miami Circle. Critics of this theory pointed out that there was no evidence of fire on the bedrock as is usually found in the remains of these sorts of buildings. Widmer's reponse to this was that a plausible reaction to the inclement weather common across Florida would be to raise the structure on stilts. This theory also would give purpose to the seemingly random array of holes dotted about the site - they could have been support posts, and appear in clusters perhaps due to the necessity to replace them as the wood rotted.

If it is assumed that the holes were the foundation for a building, the question is then raised as to the purpose of that building. Two obvious candidates are living quarters, or a ceremonial building of some sort. The lack of evidence for the former began to suggest the latter, and further evidence can be put forward to support the theory. Firstly the effort necessary to create such a structure would involve considerable teamwork, particularly given the lack of tools. This sort of teamwork is often seen in the construction of religious buildings. Secondly, there were certain anomolies in the artifacts discovered. There were many 'common' Tekesta relics found at the site - tools and perhaps decorative items made from shells and other aquatic materials like sharks' teeth - but there were a few pieces discovered that did not fit. The main items were two basalt axe heads. These axes would have been a particularly sought after item on the southern Florida coast due to the lack of any equivalent hard stone in the area, yet these axe heads are completely untouched. Further analysis of the stone by Dr. Jacqueline Dixon, University of Miami, found that the basalt was likely from the region of Macon, Georgia, some 1000 miles away. Additional items that may have been placed in, or buried under the structure were a complete 5 foot long shark skeleton, aligned east to west, a dolphin skull, and a complete carapace of a sea-turtle. Four human teeth were also found, though no other evidence pointed to it being a burial site, which by law would have halted development of the condominiums automatically.

Sceptic Cranks and Septic Tanks


Not everybody was immediately convinced that the Florida government had spent their $27 million wisely. University of Florida archaeologist Jerald Milanich was concerned that there was, from the previous apartment block, a septic tank that was aligned perfectly at the edge of the circle. He suggested that the circle could be nothing more than a sink for the sewage from the septic tank, an idea that understandably drew a certain amount of interest. In attempting to refute this claim, Ricicek pointed to two things. Firstly there was clearly a teracotta outflow from the tank that would not tie with the need for a sink, and the plans for the apartment complex clearly show a sewage outflow to the south, into the river. Secondly, returning to the analysis of the calcite buildup on the holes by the Florida Geological Survey, the bedrock that had been cut out to lay the tank had little or no duracrust, showing the considerable age difference between the septic tank construction and the Circle itself.

Alternative Theories


Though the prime theory remains that it is the foundation print for a structure, built by the Takesta, alternative theories abound. Of those that have found some credit are that it has some celestial significance, similar to the complex Mayan calendar, this theory supported by stones placed, appearing like pupils of 'eyes', at the cardinal points of the circle. Although this theory could be correct in tandem with the idea of it being a structure, the lack of Mayan artifacts, and the lack of evidence that local people had any form of complex calendar cast doubt. Also, plausibly, has been suggested that the holes were for either standing stones or totem poles, though there has been no evidence forwarded to support this. Other ideas are the usual speculation that surrounds mysterious prehistoric sites, such as Stonehenge in England, with suggestions that it is evidence of aliens, Atlantis or whatever theory is doing the rounds at the time.

See Also


More on the 'septic tank' controversy

Transcript of the BBC Horizon documentary, from 2000