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Hadag Nahash

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Hadag Nahash
The band's logo
The band's logo
Background information
OriginJerusalem, Israel
GenresIsraeli hip hop
Years active1996–present
LabelsHed Arzi
MembersSha'anan Streett
Guy Mar
David Klemes
Moshe "Atraf" Asaraf
Yaya Cohen-Harounoff
Shlomi Alon
Past membersShahar Mintz
Yaron Mohar
Meir Shalivo
Amir Ben Ami
Rafi Malkiel
Nir Mantzur

Hadag Nahash (Hebrew: הדג נחש ha-Dag Nachash, [(h)aˈdaɡ naˈχaʃ]) is an Israeli hip hop and funk band, founded in 1996 in Jerusalem, which makes leftist political statements in many of its protest songs.


Concert in Beer Sheba, 2011
Concert in Tel Aviv, December 2016

Hadag Nahash has been a major contributor to the Israeli hip-hop scene, and is presently one of Israel's most successful bands, with eight studio albums released to date. The band's songs call for peace, tolerance and equality, and include political and social protest. Most songs are written by Sha'anan Streett, the band's lead vocalist. "We demand the freedom to write whatever we want at any given time, and that can be about, for example, marijuana or just having a good time, as well as social injustice. It’s not one or the other. Our lives contain both. And when we want to keep it real, we have to speak about both."[1]

Yossi Fine also produced the band's third studio album, "Homer Mekomi" (חומר מקומי, "Local Material"), which was released in 2004. The biggest hit out of the album was "Shirat Hasticker" (שירת הסטיקר, "The Sticker Song"), which was written by Israeli novelist David Grossman.[2][3] T

In 2006, Hadag Nahash released their fourth studio album, "Be'ezrat Hajam" (בעזרת הג'אם, With Help of the Jam, a wordplay on the expression "With God's Help"), which was named Album of the Year at the Israel Music Awards.[4] The album, recorded at In the Pocket studios in California, was the first album in which the vocals were divided equally between Sha'anan Streett and DJ Guy Mar. "Be'ezrat Hajam" contained the hit "Hine Ani Ba" (Hebrew: הנה אני בא, "Here I Come") written by Guy Mar about moving from his hometown Jerusalem to Tel Aviv. "Hine Ani Ba" is also an example of a song with a political or cultural message, as it depicts a cultural struggle between Jerusalem, a symbol of Israel's heritage, and Tel Aviv, a hub for young people and nightlife.[5]

In December 2009, Hadag Nahash released the first single from its sixth album (fifth studio album), 6: a protest song against the rising internal violence in Israeli society, called "Od Ach Ehad" (עוד אח אחד, "One More Brother").[6]

Their second-most recent song, Bomba [he], was released as a single on 3 August 2020 and was produced by Johnny Goldstein. The lyrics reference ongoing protests against the thirty-fifth government of Israel, calling to "break the cycle of Miri, Bibi, Miki, Bibi, Benny, Bibi" and asking for the release of Avera Mengistu.[7]

Group members


Current members

  • Sha'anan Streett (שאנן סטריט) - Rapping, Vocals (1996–present)[8]
  • Yair "Yaya" Cohen-Harounoff (יאיר "יאיא" כהן־אהרונוב) - Bass guitar, Backing vocals (1996–present)[8]
  • David "Dudush" Klemes (דוד "דודוש" קלמס) - Keyboard (1996–present)[8]
  • Moshe "Atraf" Asaraf (משה "אטרף" אסרף) - Drums (1996–present)[8]
  • Guy "DJ Guy Mar" Margalit (מרגלית "DJ גיא "גיא מר) - Rapping, Vocals, Turntables, Sampling (1998-present)[8]
  • Shlomi Alon (שלומי אלון) - Saxophone, Flute, EWI, Rapping, Vocals (2001-present)[8]

Former members

  • Shahar Mintz ((שחר מינץ- Guitar (1996-1998)[8]
  • Yaron Mohar (ירון מוהר)- Saxophone (1996-2001)[8]
  • Meir Shalivo (מאיר שליבו)- Trumpet (1996-2000)[8]
  • Amir Ben Ami (אמיר בן־עמי)- Guitar (1998-2007)[8]
  • Rafi Malkiel (רפי מלכיאל)- Trombone (2000-2003)[9]





Studio albums

  1. HaMekhona Shel HaGruv (The Groove Machine, 2000)
    1. Lo Mevater ("Not Giving Up", לא מוותר)
    2. HaMekhona Shel HaGruv ("The Groove Machine", המכונה של הגרוב)
    3. Shalom Salaam Peace (שלום סלאם פיס)
    4. Jerusalem (ג'רוזלם)
    5. Trumpeldor (טרומפלדור)
    6. Mebit [Eize Ganuv!] ("Look Ahead [So Kewl!]", מביט [איזה גנוב!])
    7. Af Ehad ("No One", אף אחד)
    8. Avaryan ("Criminal", עבריין)
    9. Tza'atzua' ("Toy", צעצוע)
    10. HaVolyum Ole ("The Volume Rises", הווליום עולה)
    11. Ha-Dag Nahash [Jam] ("Hadag Nahash [Jam]", הדג נחש [ג'אם])
    12. Kusamamak ("Motherfucker", קוסאמאמאק)
  2. Lazuz (To Move, 2003)
    1. Kamti ("I Got Up", קמתי)
    2. Lazuz ("To Move", לזוז)
    3. Sod HaHatzlaha ("Secret to Success", סוד ההצלחה)
    4. Misparim ("Numbers", מספרים)
    5. Lo Frayerim ("Not Suckers", לא פראיירים)
    6. Frayerim ("Suckers", פראיירים)
    7. Gabi VeDebi ("Gabi And Debi", גבי ודבי)
    8. Gan Eden ("Garden Of Eden", גן עדן)
    9. Gan HaTut ("The Strawberry Garden", גן התות)
    10. Bela Belisima (בלה בליסימה)
    11. Belis Dub (בליס דאב)
    12. Mekhonat HaTut ("The Strawberry Machine", מכונת התות)
    13. Ze Lo Ani ("It Wasn't Me", זה לא אני)
  3. Homer Mekomi (Local Material, 2004)
    1. Mithamem ("It's Heating Up", מתחמם)
    2. Bereshit ("In The Beginning; Genesis", בראשית)
    3. Shirat Hasticker ("The Sticker Song", שירת הסטיקר)
    4. Halifot ("Uniforms", חליפות)
    5. Johnny HaKatan ("Little Johnny", ג'וני הקטן)
    6. HaKafa HaMetzaltzelet ("The Ringing Slap", הכאפה המצלצלת)
    7. HaPe Liftoah ("The Mouth To Open", הפה לפתוח)
    8. Shvita ("Strike", שביתה)
    9. Muzika ("Music", מוזיקה)
    10. Yatziv ("Stable", יציב)
    11. Rak Po ("Only Here", רק פה)
    12. Melodika ("Melody", מלודיקה)
    13. Ma Na'ase? ("What Can We Do?", מה נעשה?)
    14. Ratziti SheTeda' (Elohim Sheli) ("I Wanted You to Know [My God]", רציתי שתדע [אלוהים שלי])
  4. Be'ezrat HaJam (With The Help Of The Jam, 2006)
    1. Lotus (לוטוס)
    2. California (קליפורניה)
    3. Ma SheBa Ba ("What Comes Comes", מה שבא בא)
    4. Hine Ani Ba ("Here I Come", הנה אני בא)
    5. Kol HaCucot ("All The Čučot", כל הצ'וצ'ות)
    6. Lehitchalek Ba'Ir ("To Share The City", להתחלק בעיר)
    7. Statistika ("Statistics", סטטיסטיקה)
    8. Saga (סאגה)
    9. MehaBama Lehaftzitz ("To Bomb From The Stage", מהבמה להפציץ)
    10. Tiraga' ("Relax", תרגע)
    11. Eize Keyf ("What Fun", איזה כיף)
    12. Lehavi' Et HaMaka ("To Bring The Hit", להביא את המכה)
    13. Shabhi Yerushalayim ("Bless Jerusalem", שבחי ירושלים)
  5. 6 (2010)
    1. Super Groove (סופר גרוב)
    2. Ani Ma'amin ("I Believe", אני מאמין)
    3. Lo Maspik ("Not Enough", לא מספיק)
    4. Shir Nehama ("Consolation Song", שיר נחמה)
    5. BaSalon Shel Salomon ("In Salomon's Living Room", בסלון של סלומון)
    6. Od Ah Ehad ("One More Brother", עוד אח אחד)
    7. Little Man
    8. Many Lights
    9. Jambalaya
    10. Ma'arbolet Shel Hol ("Vortex of Sand", מערבולת של חול)
    11. War
    12. Super Groove (סופר גרוב)
    13. That Ain't What It's All About
  6. Zman LeHit'orer ("Time To Wake Up", 2013)
    1. Mistovev ("Wandering Around", מסתובב)
    2. Mabsut ("Satisfied", מבסוט)
    3. Zman Lehit'orer ("Time To Wake Up", זמן להתעורר)
    4. Meir Ma'Ir ("Meir Comments", מאיר מעיר)
    5. Koblena Al Miflagot Yisrael ("A Complaint About Israel's Political Partys", קובלנה על מפלגות ישראל)
    6. Eineni Boged ("I'm Not A Traitor", אינני בוגד)
    7. Pizmon ("Chorus", פזמון)
    8. Hakol Yistader ("Everything Will Be Alright", הכל יסתדר)
    9. Noga'at ("She Touches", נוגעת)
    10. XL
    11. Maher ("Fast", מהר)
    12. Ilu Ze Haya ("If It Was", אילו זה היה)
    13. Yom Shishi ("Friday", יום שישי)
  7. Shutafim Ba'am (Partners of the People, 2016)
    1. Ten Li Mangina ("Give Me a Melody", תן לי מנגינה)
    2. Ad HaSof ("Until the End", עד הסוף)
    3. Shutafim Smuyim ("Hidden Partners", שותפים סמויים)
    4. Ra'ada HaAdama ("The Earth Quaked", רעדה האדמה)
    5. Shemesh ("Sun", שמש)
    6. Lo Ma SheYapil Oti ("Not What Would Knock Me Down", לא מה שיפיל אותי)
    7. Resisim El HaHof ("Shrapnel on the Beach", רסיסים אל החוף)
    8. Af Itakh ("Flying with You", עף איתך)
    9. Hakol Hozer ("Everything Comes Back", הכל חוזר)
    10. Ezrah Shel HaOlam ("Citizen of the World", אזרח של העולם)
    11. Legal Eyes
    12. Marvadim ("Carpets", מרבדים)
  8. Welcome to Izrael (2018)
    1. Sa (Go)
    2. Welcome to Izrael
    3. Matzbiim BaRagalim (Vote With Your Feet)
    4. Tipot Shel Or (Drops of Light)
    5. Ana Anachnu (feat. Tzlil Danin)
    6. Seret Milhama (War Movie)
    7. Yotse Laderech (Sets Off On The Path)
    8. Meshahrer (Liberator)
    9. Yomuledet 40 (40th Birthday)
    10. Bua (Bubble)
    11. Od Yihye Tov (Things Will Get Better)
    12. El Hazipor (To The Bird)
    13. Bayamim Balaylot (By Day, By Night)
    14. Etsba Meshuleshet (Middle Finger)

Live albums

  • Hadag Nahash: Live (2008) (הדג נחש: לייב)
    1. "Lotus" (5:38)
    2. "California" (4:06)
    3. "Lazuz" (4:44)
    4. "Misparim" (2:47)
    5. "Halifot" (5:39)
    6. "Statistika" (4:35)
    7. "Af Ehad" (3:37)
    8. "Ma SheBa Ba" (4:06)
    9. "HaKafa HaMetzaltzelet" (4:47)
    10. "Kol HaManayak" (3:53)
    11. "Ma Na'ase" (7:20)
    12. "Lo Mevater" (6:42)
    13. "Eize Kef" (5:49)
    14. "MeHaBama Lehaftzitz" (4:46)
    15. "Lo Frayerim" (4:47)
    16. "Shirat HaSticker" (6:53)
    17. "Hine Ani Ba" (5:28)
    18. "Gan HaTut" (5:25)
    19. "Shibhi Yerushalaim" (4:07)
    20. "Ratziti SheTada" (5:53)
    21. "Lehavi Et HaMaka" (8:32)
  • Hofa'a Haya ("live performance", 2015)
    1. Ani Maamin
    2. BaSalon Shel Salomon
    3. Machrozet: Lo Maspik, Lo Mevater, Lo Frayerim
    4. En Li Af Ehad (feat. Efrat Ashkenazi)
    5. Misparim
    6. Hakafa Ha Metzalzelet
    7. Little Man
    8. Maarbolet Shel Hol
    9. Shir Nehama
    10. Ratziti She Teda
    11. Gabi Ve Debby (Hip Hop Zioni)


  1. ^ https://www.ynetnews.com/culture/article/rybbud7do [bare URL]
  2. ^ Freedman, Samuel G. (August 16, 2004). "Honk if You Love to Sing Bumper Stickers; Israeli Author Turns Slogans Into Rap Hit". The New York Times. Retrieved January 4, 2012.
  3. ^ Curriculum based on "The Sticker Song" Archived 2011-07-09 at the Wayback Machine
  4. ^ "Santa Barbara News-Press". Newspress.com. Retrieved 2011-07-21.
  5. ^ Snakes, fishes, rhymes and Hollywood interest for Jerusalem nightlife
  6. ^ הדג נחש - "עוד אח אחד". Mako.co.il. 21 December 2009. Retrieved 2011-07-21.
  7. ^ "באופן חריג, השיר החדש של הדג נחש מעז לדבר מפורשות על נתניהו - וואלה! תרבות". וואלה!News (in Hebrew). 2020-08-19. Retrieved 2020-09-24.
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i j "One Pager | הדג נחש". Retrieved 2019-11-10.
  9. ^ "Rafi Malkiel -Trombonist, Composer". www.rafi-malkiel.com. Retrieved 2019-11-10.