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Round World Version of Tolkien's legendarium

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Tolkien circa 1925

The Round World Version is an alternative creation myth to the version of J.R.R. Tolkien's legendarium as it appears in The Silmarillion and The Lord of the Rings. In that version, the Earth was created flat and was changed to round as a cataclysmic event during the Second Age in order to prevent direct access by Men to Valinor, home of the immortals.[1] In the Round World Version, the Earth is created spherical from the beginning.

Tolkien abandoned the Round World Version before completion of The Lord of the Rings but later regretted this decision. He felt that postulating an ancient flat world detracted from the believability of his writings. He planned a new round world version, but only got as far as an outline. He created a Round World Version of the Akallabêth, the central story of the submerging of Númenor, "The Drowning of Anadûnê", but felt unable to proceed with it because the Flat World version was so deeply embedded in his mythology. He never resolved the dilemma, continuing to redraft his published works to make them compatible with a round world version for most of the rest of his life. His son Christopher, editing The Silmarillion which he published after Tolkien's death, considered adjusting the text to comply with Tolkien's wish to return to the Round World Version. He decided against doing that, not least because the Akallabêth relies intrinsically on the Flat World cosmology.


An early stage in the Flat World Version of Tolkien's cosmology, complete with two enormous lamps, fixed on tall pillars, that gave the world its light.

Tolkien gives the fullest account of the creation myth in the Ainulindalë ("Music of the Ainur"). He wrote the original version in the 1930s, calling it the "Flat World Version", or later the "Old Flat World Version" after he had created a new flat world version. In 1946 he wrote the "Round World Version", intending this to be the published version. Tolkien sent both the "Old Flat World Version" and the "Round World Version" to Katharine Farrer (mystery novelist and wife of the theologian Austin Farrer) for review in 1948. Farrer replied to him in October, strongly supporting the Flat World Version – "The hope of Heaven is the only thing which makes modern astronomy tolerable".[2] Farrer seems to have influenced Tolkien to abandon the Round World Version, which he did before completing The Lord of the Rings, or even starting its last volume, The Return of the King.[3][4] Tolkien created a new manuscript from a heavily edited Old Flat World Version.[T 1] He then produced a final polished Round World manuscript with illuminated capitals.[3]

Date Event
1930s Flat World Version
1946 Round World Ainulindalë
1948? Round World Akallabêth
1966 Round World edits in 3rd ed. of The Hobbit
1977 Christopher Tolkien's heavily edited Flat World Ainulindalë in The Silmarillion

No version of the Ainulindalë was published during Tolkien's lifetime, but a heavily edited version[3] later formed the first chapter of the 1977 The Silmarillion edited by Tolkien's son Christopher.[T 1] The earliest version (named "The Music of the Ainur", not Ainulindalë) was published in 1984 in The Book of Lost Tales volume 1.[T 2][5] The Old Flat World Version was included in the 1987 The Lost Road and Other Writings. Both the Round World Version and the New Flat World Version were included in the 1993 Morgoth's Ring.[T 3] The latter is a more faithful reproduction of Tolkien's manuscript than the edited version in The Silmarillion.[1]

Tolkien wrote a Round World Version of the Akallabêth,[1] possibly in 1948 to match the Ainulindalë Round World Version.[6] The Akallabêth is an Atlantis-like story of the destruction of the island of Númenor, brought about by Sauron's deception of its people. In the Flat World Akallabêth, this geographic change is part of the transition from flat to round world, effectively explaining how the world was flat in the First Age, but is round now.[7] Like the Ainulindalë, the Akallabêth was not published during Tolkien's lifetime, but it was included in The Silmarillion.[T 4]

Tolkien continued incorporating the Round World Versions into his later Middle-earth writings. In 1960–61, Tolkien invented heraldic devices for his characters, including a "Winged Sun" for Finwë. This presupposes the Round World version, as in the Flat World version the Sun does not exist until after Finwë's death.[8] He mentioned a Round World cosmology in a BBC interview in 1964, during which he briefly discussed the drowning of Númenor.[T 5] In the third edition of The Hobbit (published in 1966), he has the Wood-elves lingering in the twilight of the Sun, implying a Round World, instead of lingering in the twilight before the raising of the Sun, as would be the case in a Flat World.[9]

In-universe description


Christopher Tolkien described the Round World Version as "de-mythologised". As well as removing the flat Earth, it abolishes the need for the Sun and Moon to be transported by mythical beings. Also gone are the two enormous lamps that light the Earth before the creation of the Sun: the Sun shines from the beginning. In the Round World Version, the Earth has always been round, and Arda is the name for the whole solar system, not just the Earth. The Sun and the Moon are not the fruit of the Two Trees, but preceded the creation of the Trees. Instead, the Trees preserved the light of the Sun before it was tainted by Melkor. The Moon is not created by Eru, the supreme being, as in the Flat World Version, but by Melkor, his chief antagonist, who tears it from the Earth. The Moon becomes Melkor's stronghold, and because of this, it is moved further away from the Earth by the Valar to diminish Melkor's influence. Christopher Tolkien considers this a further piece of de-mythologising: the Moon is created after the Earth and from a part of it, in accordance with the scientific paradigm.[10]

In the Round World Akallabêth, the Earth is in fact round from the beginning, and the Elves teach the Númenóreans that it is so; but one of Sauron's deceptions is to tell the Númenóreans that it is flat. As a result, when the survivors of the Downfall explore the Earth in search of their lost home, thus finding proof that the world is round, they then believe that it had been made so only after Númenor was drowned.[T 6] During the Downfall, Valinor is not removed from the physical world (as in the Flat World version); instead, its landmass simply becomes America. It is instead those who dwell there, the Valar and the Elves, who since the Downfall live only in memory: thus the End of Arda is moved ahead by Eru, as far as the Elves are concerned.[T 7]

According to the in-universe transmission, the legends of the Silmarillion would be passed down through Númenor. Thus, even though the High Elves of Valinor would know the astronomical truth from the Valar, the actual stories as transmitted are "blended and confused"; they arise from Mannish mythology and cosmology, as well as the traditions of the Elves who had never left Middle-earth.[T 8][T 9]

Tolkien's dilemma


An internal problem: impossible to the Númenóreans

In Tolkien's cosmology, the downfall of Númenor was tied to the reshaping of the world from flat to round, making the purely Round World version problematic.[T 10][7] Shapes of continents are purely schematic.

According to the lawyer and author on Tolkien Douglas Kane, the fundamental problem Tolkien had with the Flat World Version was that the Númenóreans, the ancestors of Men, were the means by which the legends of the earliest days were transmitted to later generations. Tolkien believed that the Númenóreans would understand that a flat Earth was impossible.[3]

An external problem: incredible to the ordinary reader


The Tolkien scholar John D. Rateliff takes a different view of the problem, writing that Tolkien had changed his mind about what an ordinary reader would be able to believe, or the extent to which that reader might be able to suspend their disbelief, in the face of a medieval cosmology. Rateliff wrote that [11]

Tolkien had come to believe that the average reader’s astronomical knowledge by the middle of the twentieth century was sufficient that the idea of a flat earth—circled by a little sun and moon that were glowing fruits and flowers from magical trees carried in flying boats, each of which, steered by an angel, sails in the sky from east to west before travelling back beneath the earth by night—simply [wouldn’t] do.[11]

The horns of the dilemma


The Flat World Version, Tolkien had come to feel, was thus essentially unacceptable, whether internally or externally, requiring replacement.[11] But the story of the submerging of Númenor relies intrinsically on this cosmology. Many other dramatic moments would be lost or need serious revision to make a Round World Version consistent across all of the works in the Middle-earth legendarium.[3] Amongst the tales that would need revising, but for which Tolkien produced no alternative version, is the story of the Two Trees.[4] Matthew Dickerson calls these "the most important mythic symbols in all of the legendarium".[12]

The Round World Version thus represents a major, concrete part of Tolkien's attempt to entirely rewrite the mythology of Middle-earth.[13] Rateliff comments that Tolkien had an "extremely good" grasp of the "cascading effects" of making such a change in his legendarium; and that this change was uniquely awkward, as it stood at the junction of the myths from Valinor and the legends of Beleriand. Tolkien saw that he would have to rewrite the early tales that set out his cosmology, and stop work on the legends until the cosmology had been made fully consistent. In Rateliff's view, Tolkien "became convinced that he had to make changes he simply couldn't bring himself to make",[11] and became stuck. As if this were not enough, in 1951 his publisher rejected The Silmarillion. Even if Tolkien could have resolved one or other of these issues, Rateliff writes, the two together "probably" ensured that no version of The Silmarillion would be published in his lifetime.[11]

Tolkien gave the Round World Version of the Akallabêth the name The Drowning of Anadûnê; this was eventually published in Sauron Defeated in 1992.[T 6] He described this as the "Man's version", possibly to distinguish it from the Elvish version in the Akallabêth, and to reconcile why there are two versions in the legendarium. Much as he would have liked to abandon or heavily revise the Flat World Version, he writes that he cannot, as it is already too deeply embedded in the universe he has created.[4] Tolkien was attempting, but failing, to reinforce the sense of believability in his mythology by bringing it more into line with scientific knowledge of the history of the Earth.[14][9] Patrick Curry also argued in 2013 that the Round World Version generated as many problems as it solved, such as where the earthly paradise of Valinor might now be placed[14] – though Tolkien's own solution to this problem was only published in 2014.[T 11] Carl Hostetter nonetheless noted that Tolkien's solution appears to contradict The Lord of the Rings, in which Frodo journeys to what appears to be a "very physical" Tol Eressëa.[T 7] The Tolkien scholar Verlyn Flieger described the attempt as "a 180% turn", citing Christopher Tolkien's description of it, "'a fearful weapon' against his own creation".[15]

Choice for The Silmarillion


While preparing The Silmarillion for its 1977 publication, Christopher Tolkien was aware that his father had intended to update it to a new Round World Version. He considered editing the manuscripts to comply with this wish. In other respects, he had edited the stories to make them internally self-consistent, and consistent with the already published canon.[3] He later published several edited versions of his father's Silmarillion stories in the 12-volume The History of Middle-earth.[3]

Christopher decided against such a cosmological update for several reasons. What his father had left of the Round World Silmarillion was no more than an outline of his intentions. The earlier Round World Version was no longer viable, because by this stage it differed too greatly from already published works. The Silmarillion would either need major rework, or the change would have to be allowed to introduce new inconsistencies.[3]

Kristine Larsen argues that Christopher's "uncharacteristically scant" commentary on the Round World revisions in Morgoth's Ring is related to his own rejection of that cosmology. While she agrees with Christopher that the Flat World cosmology is "beautiful", she nonetheless finds it "unfortunate" that these cosmological reworkings did not receive a full analysis. She points to various astronomical implications of the Round World texts (including the possible existence of extraterrestrial life in the legendarium) that Christopher did not comment on.[16]

See also





  1. ^ a b Tolkien 1993, Ainulindalë
  2. ^ Tolkien 1984, "The Music of the Ainur"
  3. ^ Tolkien 1993, "The Later Quenta Silmarillion"
  4. ^ Tolkien 1977, Akallabêth
  5. ^ Gueroult & Tolkien 1964
  6. ^ a b Tolkien 1992, "The Drowning of Anadûnê"
  7. ^ a b Tolkien 2021, "The Númenórean Catastrophe & End of “Physical” Aman"
  8. ^ Tolkien 1993, "Myths Transformed"
  9. ^ Carpenter 2023, letter 325 to Roger Lancelyn Green, 17 July 1971
  10. ^ Carpenter 2023, letter 154 to Naomi Mitchison, 25 September 1954
  11. ^ Tolkien 2014


  1. ^ a b c Kane 2009, p. 33.
  2. ^ Tolkien 1993, Ainulindalë: Farrer, quoted by Christopher Tolkien.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h Kane 2009, p. 34.
  4. ^ a b c Whittingham 2008, p. 117.
  5. ^ Nagy 2013, p. 608.
  6. ^ Kane 2009, p. 243.
  7. ^ a b Shippey 2005, pp. 324–328.
  8. ^ Hammond & Scull 1998, pp. 187–198.
  9. ^ a b Garbowski 2013, p. 425.
  10. ^ Whittingham 2008, pp. 117–118.
  11. ^ a b c d e Rateliff 2020.
  12. ^ Dickerson 2013.
  13. ^ Nagy 2013, p. 609.
  14. ^ a b Curry 2013, p. 139.
  15. ^ Flieger 2023.
  16. ^ Larsen 2023.

