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Talk:World Conference against Racism

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Resolution on Zionism


I just edited; there was no resolution passed into 2001 that equated zionism with racism. This resolution dates back to 1975.— Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:16, 15 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Arafat's confusing statement


At the conference, Yasser Arafat interpreted the Arab-Israeli conflict in terms of racism:

... We hope that the Conference will be a major historical turning point in the world to rid us of all forms of racism. Palestine is tormented by racial discrimination, occupation, aggression and settlements. I hope this Conference will say what is right in the face of the bloody tragedy which is a racist, colonialist conspiracy of aggression, forced eviction, usurpation of land and infringement upon the Christian and Islamic holy places. This conspiracy has thwarted all international instruments. The Government of Israel has usurped our rights, land and natural resources, and taken over Christian and Muslim holy sites. They have stolen our water. They have made refugees of many of our people and prevented their return. ... Our people face the most intense military campaign of a Government that insists on a military solution. This brutality and arrogance are moved by a supremacist mentality that practices racial discrimination, that adopts ethnic cleansing and transfer, and that protects the daily attacks carried out by the settlers against our people. Our tortured people, faced with the harsh treatment, looks at the Conference to stand by us. The continuing acts of racial discrimination call for a strong support for our people in its legitimate struggle for an independent state with Al-Quds as its capital and the right of return for our refugees. We still look forward to the return to the path of peace and to achieve these legitimate goals with a just, comprehensive and lasting peace for all the people of the region. [1]

I'm not sure what he means by a "supremacist mentality" on the part of Israelis running a Jewish state, that does not apply tenfold to Arabs running Islamic states. Is he saying that all states in the Middle East should stop discriminating? Or is he saying that Israel alone discriminates? --Ed Poor

Years ago, the slave trade on east Africa. They do it in Somalia nowadays...but we're not suppose to point that out because someone might get offended. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 23:49, 5 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Conference was extremely biased


[off-topic posts removed by HappyWithWhatYouHaveToBeHappyWith (talk) 18:35, 29 October 2021 (UTC) as per WP:TALK#TOPIC][reply]

Your above statement is completely and utterly ridiculous. Perhaps if you know the reality of how many jews live in Iraq you wouldn't make stupid statements. There are areas of Baghdad known as the "Jewish Market" to this day. Also the fact remains that just because the Arabs are ruled by Tyrants that does not make it okay for Israel to act in the same manor. Israel elects Liebermen in their last election who has stated he wants the Arabs SHIPPED OUT OF ISRAEL. Now that sounds like serious problems with Racial issues to me. Also we need to remember that equating Israeli policies with racism is not anti-Semitism or else how would people like Chomsky, Finkelstein, and the entirety of organizations such as Jewish Voices for Peace be categorized? Or perhaps only the Israeli policy makers get to decide who the "real" Jews are. Face it the article has serious POV issues and needs to be completely revamped---protestingrab —Preceding unsigned comment added by Protestingrab (talkcontribs) 15:40, 15 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]

On the above comment: 1) There are only a handful of jewish families left living in iraq. names such as the jewish market are historic names that date back to the days when there was a large jewish community. 2) much as I despise lieberman and think he does have racist views, he never called for arabs to be "shipped out of israel" and would probably not have gotten as many votes if he had.he has called for transferring sovereignty of certain arab communities to the PA and sovereignty of certain jewish settlements to israel in the context of a 2 state solution. while this might be a deplorable policy, it is not kicking arabs out of the country. Actually this is more in line with, as the first comment on the page seems to refer to, exactly what most arab state did after israel's creation. They expelled forcibly all their jewish citizens. (that is true racism) — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 11:40, 28 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]

A comment to this biased article: Israel is listed by Human Rights Watch as a racistic state. The arabs living in Israel do not get the same rights as the jewish people. I am not sure why this article is left alone. IT should be disputed. Since i am not english, i can't voice my opinion about the article, but Wikipedia should not have articles where facts are wrong, and where the author are spreading false propaganda. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Sileia (talkcontribs) 10:32, 18 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]

There are rules in those conferences. One of those rules is that no particular country should be targeted by any speech or named as anything else than example. I suppose we all agree that Israel wasn't named "just as an example" but as a "main topic". Why is it important ? Because Iran - as example, I saw it but I'm sure they're not the only one - used that rule to interrupt a non-governmental organization representative talking about the Bahá'ís minority (watch archives of UN conferences on Human rights). This doesn't mean Israel and Zionism (not to mix with "Jew" which is MUCH more general) shan't be criticized - it sure can & should (& is), but not there. Those conferences are supposed to be about general goals and principles. I'm not presenting MY P.O.V., just trying to remind everyone basic points established to avoid such problems because those are obviously sensitive problems for everyone. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 11:01, 22 April 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Someone should clean up this discussion page please


Several people wrote disgustig, hatefull and wrong things. It would be nice if a wiki editor would clean it up. Thx — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 19:37, 19 April 2009 (UTC)[reply]