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§ 25. Nuclear Energy

Nuclear energy represents an existential threat. A nuclear reactor is powered by uranium where the cooling system and the control rods regulate the fission reaction. The uranium fuel rod assembles are maintained at a surface temperature of approximately 500o F which results in the formation of steam that is used to produces electricity. A single reactor core uses approximately 75 tons of uranium. After six years of use in the reactor core, the fuel rod tubes that hold the uranium pellets become brittle which results in the uranium pellets falling to the bottom of the core. Plus, after six years of use, the uranium fuel rod loss approximately 50% of their power. Every year less steam is radiated by the cooling towers; consequently, the spent fuel rods are replaced with new fuel rods every six years. The spent uranium rods are stored in cooling pools that water cools and stabilizes the spent uranium fuel rods by absorbing the gamma rays where the gamma rays intensify the chain reaction of the uranium fuel rods that cause the fuel rods to heat since massless gamma rays can penetrate the sleeves holding the uranium pellets together. When the water interacts with the fuel rods, radioactive water (tritium) is produced. There is a limit to the number of spent uranium rods that can be stored in the cooling pools since the water can only absorb a limited amount of gamma rays where the intensification of the rate of gamma ray emissions can cause a meltdown since only massless gamma rays can penetrate the steel sleeves that are holding the pellets together.

To obtain an approximation of the total uranium that was used by the nuclear power plants, in the last 50 years, the following extrapolation is utilized. The amount of used spent uranium fuel rods produced by the world's 440 nuclear reactors is extrapolated using the average nuclear reactor age of 25 years. A nuclear reactor is refueled every six years resulting in 4.16 refueling for a 25-year-old nuclear reactor that generates,

75 tons x 4.16 refueling = 312 tons of U...................................................................84

The total extrapolated weight of the use uranium fuel rods produced by the world’s 440 nuclear reactors is approximately,

(312 tons U) x (440 reactors) = 137,280 tons U...................................................85

According to a IAEA report, the amount of spent uranium fuel rods produced by the world's nuclear reactors since 1954 is 390,000 tons (Watson, IAEA report). After one million years, the spent uranium fuel rods would decay by 1/700 x 100% x .5 = .07% where 99.93% of the uranium remains.


The uranium of the spent fuel rods cannot be safely stored in any fashion since 95% pure uranium will meltdown that threat will remain for the next one million years at current or higher levels.

“Water circulates through the pool, helping keep the rods cool and the pool temperature at around 49°C (120°F)……..Without water, the spent fuel rods would jump in temperature, reaching 1,000°C, according to NRC and DOE laboratory studies” (Johnson).

“Ten years after removal of spent fuel from a reactor, the radiation dose 1 meter away from a typical spent fuel assembly exceeds 20,000 rems per hour. A dose of 5,000 rems would be expected to cause immediate incapacitation and death within one week.” (NRC, 2002).

“They point to a 2003 research paper that was coauthored by Macfarlane when she was a Massachusetts Institute of Technology researcher. That paper warned that if the cooling water were to leak out of a damaged storage pool, a fire would result, causing radioactivity to be released that could rival that from the 1986 Chernobyl disaster in Ukraine.” (Johnson).

The spent fuel rods at the temperature of 1,000°C (1,832°F) represents the beginning of a meltdown since the melting point of uranium is 2070°F and according to a NRC report, after ten years, the radiation level of the spent fuel rods at one meter exceeds 20,000 rem/hr (200 Sv/hr) which represents a highly radioactive source that can meltdown. The dry cask storage system bundles 14 tons of 99% pure uranium (pellets) fuel rods and encases the rods in concrete and steel but the fuel rods would meltdown in ten days without a cooling system that uses thousands of gallons of cold water per day. The safest method to store the spent fuel rods is to convert the spent uranium fuel rods into kiln baked 3% uranium bricks (100 lb) in a form that cannot be used as building material where the uranium bricks are stored underground (10,000 ft) in the desert.


The spent uranium fuel rods are unsafe. Tepco may have disassembled the spent radioactive uranium rods and stored the uranium pellets in steel barrels then dumped the barrels into the ocean which until 1991 was common practice by the Europeans, USA, Russians and Japanese.

“By 1991, the US had dropped more than 90,000 barrels and at least 190,000 cubic meters of radioactive waste in the North Atlantic and Pacific. Other countries including Belgium, France, Switzerland and the Netherlands also disposed of tons of radioactive waste in the North Atlantic in the 1960s, 70s and 80s.” (Schauenberg).

The loss of power at the Fukushima nuclear power plant resulted in the reactor’s water pumps to fail which caused the nuclear reactor's uranium fuel rods to overheat. The heating of the uranium spent fuel rods result in the intensification of the fission reaction that farther heated the fuel rods which resulting in the meltdown. The intense heat and pressure in the core created a one-megaton nuclear explosion that completely destroyed the eight-inch-thick steel reactor core, the four-foot-thick steel reinforced concrete barrier that surrounded the core (fig 1), and four two-foot-thick steel enforced concrete walls of the containment building. Plus, the nuclear explosion produced a 1,500 meter high plume which represents the destructive force of a contained one-megaton nuclear explosion that originated from the reactor core. If the reactor core was immediately vented, and kept open, after the water pumps failed, the reactor core nuclear explosion would have been prevented and the formation of the Fukushima 147,200-acre exclusion zone, would have been avoided since the high pressure of the reactor core caused the nuclear explosion but the meltdown after the cooling system failure was unstoppable. The 147,200-acre Fukushima exclusion zone was cause by a nuclear explosion. After the explosion, one ton of pulverized uranium formed the Fukushima exclusion zone. Plus, approximately 73 tons of the uranium fuel rods from the reactor core fell to the bottom of the steel reactor core, after the meltdown, where the accumulated uranium’s temperature intensified to 3,070° F then the uranium melted through the eight-inch-thick steel core bottom. After penetrating the bottom of the steel core, the molten uranium disintegrated the concrete floor of the containment building forming 73 tons of molten uranium beneath the containment building where the molten uranium then melted through the bedrock until the 71 tons of molten uranium's vertical descent was stopped by the groundwater flowing through the bedrock (fig 2). In addition, approximately 450 tons spent uranium fuel rods were stored in cooling pools located near the top of the reactor cores are unaccounted for and were not recovered as alleged by Tepco since the cooling pools were completely annihilated during the explosion.



"Our research strongly suggests there is a need for further detailed investigation on Fukushima fuel debris, inside, and potentially outside the nuclear exclusion zone." Dr Gareth Law. Reference: The paper ‘Uranium Dioxides and Debris Fragments Released to the Environment with Cesium-Rich Microparticles from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant’ is being published in Environ Sci Technol. 2018 Feb 13. doi:10.1021/acs.est.7b06309.

Uranium-micro particles were part of the fallout which the nuclear regulatory agencies and Tepco will emphatically deny and will not conduct tests for uranium micro-particles dispersed in the environment.


Approximately one ton of the reactor core uranium formed the uranium particles that was released in the Fukushima fallout. The Fukushima and Chernobyl exclusion zones will never be habitable. After 37 years (Chernobyl) and 11 years (Fukushima), radiation level within the Chernobyl and Fukushima exclusion zones have not decreased which can only be attributed to high levels of uranium dispersed in the environment. Gamma rays emitted by uranium cause cancer and birth defects. The US federal occupational exposure limit for an adult is .053 Sv/yr; therefore, a total of .053 Sv exposure within a year is the occupational limit. Today, in the Fukushima exclusion zone (red) readings of 1 mSv/hr have been reported where 53 hours (2.2 days) exposure of 1 mSv/hr radiation would be at the occupational limit (10-3 Sv/h x 53 h = .053 Sv). A total dose between 2.5 Sv/yr to 5 Sv/yr would be fatal. After 3.42 months (2,500 hr) the exposure of 1 mSv/hr would be fatal (10-3 Sv/h x 2,500 h = 2.5 Sv). The city of Futaba, that is in the Fukushima exclusion zone, will never be habitable. British scientists have found readings of 1 mSv/hr near Fukushima city which is behond the exclusion zone.

“The first case of thyroid cancer was reported on 12 September 2012 after 80,000 children had been tested.2 Since then, the numbers have risen steadily. As of writing, 56 have been diagnosed with thyroid cancer, 1 with a benign tumor, and a further 47 are suspected of having the cancer. This brings the probable total to 103 out of 296,026 eligible residents examined.3 Thus far, nearly all initially ‘suspected’ cancers have later been confirmed as malignant. The ‘normal’ cancer incidence rate amongst minors is one to two in a million.” (Williamson).

“Belarus, whose border with Ukraine is just four miles from the Chernobyl power plant, absorbed an estimated 70% of the nuclear fallout. A study by UNICEF suggested that more than 20% of adolescent children in Belarus suffer from disabilities caused by birth defects.” (Verril).

If families return to Fukushima, their children will suffer the birth defects that occurred in Belarus from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. Only Yoichi Yatsuda, 71, and his wife have returned to live in Futaba (2023).

The three Mile Island (TMI) one-billion-dollar cleanup did not removed the uranium fuel rods from the disabled Three Mile Island reactor core nor did the cleanup address the 80 tons of uranium that melted through the containment building and is currently smoldering beneath the containment building and being cooled by the groundwater for the last 35 years. At TMI (80-tons), Chernobyl (200 tons), and at Fukushima (250 tons) tons of the uranium is smoldering beneath the containment buildings. The high levels of radiation (800 Sv/h +) emitted from the meltdown hole disables electronic devices; consequently, the state and location of the smoldering uranium beneath the containment buildings is unknown and is being concealed.

The derivation of the equations of the atomic orbitals is invalid. Schrodinger's box normalized electron is resonating within a hypothetical box that is used to represent an electron orbiting the nucleus of a Bohr atom where the box normalization eliminates the nucleus. An atomic structure without a nucleus is physically invalid yet the box normalized Schrodinger's wave equation that does not include the nucleus is used to derive the equations of the atomic orbitals that represent the structure of a atom where the electron can exist at or near the center of the atom. Also, the electron probability waves represent an uncertainty (unknown) that cannot be used to represent the structure of an atom. Plus, Schrodinger's electron probability wave Ψ is depicted with a resonator using a plane wave of Schrodinger’s wave function that is represented in a spherical coordinate system but the plane wave of Schrodinger’s wave function (equ 23) is incompatible with a spherical coordinate system since the maximum amplitude of a plane wave is constant yet a spherical wave's maximum amplitude decreases as the distance increases. Also, representing a probability wave Ψ with Legendre polynomials is patently incorrect since a plane wave's constant maximum amplitude that is required in the formation of a resonator, is incompatible with the Legendre polynomials that maximum amplitude is not constant. Also, the Legendre polynomials are used inside the exponential of Schrodinger's wave function and cannot be used to represent the probability waves of the atomic orbitals since Schrodinger's wave function's probability waves only represent a plane wave equation.

King of the Streets: Pursued

Poland Bartosz "Ufol" Kwiatkowski def. Slovakia Michal "Panzer" Petris KO (knee and soccer kick) 0:39
Greece Christos "El Greco" Navrozidis def. Poland Franc "Venom" Submission (standing guillotine choke) 2:52
Czech Republic Mike "Hassby" Juřík def. Italy Romania Claudio "Chapo187" Iancu Submission (rear-naked choke) 1:50

King of the Streets: No Sport

Slovakia Michal "Panzer" Petris def. Czech Republic Josef "Hális" Hála Technical submission (guillotine choke) 0:37
France Maxime "Orsu Corsu" Bellamy def. Morocco France Hamza "The Inquisitor" Allal KO (right hook and elbows) 3:01
England Robbie Brown def. Italy Romania Claudio "Chapo187" Iancu Submission (rear-naked choke) 1:29

King of the Streets: Public Enemy

Netherlands Curaçao Brian "HooiBooi" Hooi def. Catalonia Abner "Skullman" Lloveras TKO (ground punches) 19:55
Mexico Leo Pla def. United States Eric "Bloodaxe" Olsen TKO (uppercut and soccer kicks) 3:46
Poland Adam "OAK" def. Czech Republic Petr "Bery" Beránek Submission (eye-gouging) 2:59

King of the Streets: Hockey Fights

France Tomasz def. Turkey Ismet "A.C.A.B." Minaz TKO (ground elbows and punches) 7:00
Greece Christos "El Greco" Navrozidis def. Poland Miłosz "Wąsu" Wąsik TKO (ground punches) 4:55
Croatia Petar "Gara" Razov def. England Lebanon Bachir "Bash" Fakhouri TKO (punches) 2:05
Morocco France Hamza "The Inquisitor" Allal def. Poland Mariusz "Mario" Siwiak TKO (excessive bleeding) 7:25

King of the Streets: Mass Hypnosis

Romania Spain Raul Joshua Stir def. Germany Philipp Lange TKO (overhand right and ground elbows) 0:58
Poland Adam "OAK" def. Russia "Kast8" KO (full mount 12-6 elbows) 2:10
Poland Sylwester def. Cyprus Artemis Pogiatzeas TKO (head stomps) 3:21
Czech Republic Jan "Paci" Pacak def. Poland Mikołaj "Banan" Banasiewicz TKO (exhaustion) 4:02
Argentina Spain Franco Tenaglia def. Poland "Czadi" KO (full mount headbutts and punches) 1:55
Romania Charli "Cocainecharli" Marta def. France Germany Adam KO (headbutt) 0:24

King of the Streets: Blood Money

England Liam "English Wilf" Wilson def. Poland Tomasz "Tomczak" Matuszewski KO (right hook and soccer kick) 1:11
France Valentin "French Viking" Vauthiers def. United States Eric "Bloodaxe" Olsen TKO (soccer kicks) 9:04
Netherlands Curaçao Brian "HooiBooi" Hooi def. Greece Christos "El Greco" Navrozidis TKO (full mount punches) 2:00
Denmark England Reece Francis def. Sweden Rasmus "Maenpong" TKO (full mount punches) 3:39
Poland Franc "Venom" def. Slovakia Michal "Panzer" Petris Technical Submission (rear-naked choke) 0:45
Germany Kristof "Slim Shady" Kirsch def. Turkey Ismet "A.C.A.B." Minaz TKO (knee and punches) 3:57
Romania Spain Antonio "Tony" Oprea def. Slovakia "Punky" KO (left hook) 0:09
Spain Equatorial Guinea Felipe "Amazing" Nsue def. Poland "Ragnar" TKO (head stomps) 1:13
Poland "Wazyl" def. Spain "De Santiago" TKO (full mount punches) 2:49

King of the Streets: Rooftop Fights

Germany Tom Neubert def. Afghanistan Arsalan "Cyrus" Hosseini KO (left hook and soccer kick) 5:09
Germany Philipp Lange def. Basque Country (autonomous community) Eneko "Prim" Migoya TKO (full mount punches) 2:10
Cyprus Greece Andreas "Orange Dwarf" Adamides def. Turkey Sercan TKO (headlock punches) 0:50