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User:Vernon John De Nigel

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Interests University of Santa Monica Spiritual Psychology MA http://www.gousm.edu/

Prince Michael of Kent http://www.princemichael.org.uk/

Targets MSIA Pray List Submission: http://www.msia.org/msia.qry?ID=9

Notes: Introduction: In 2002 AD Vernon John D' Nigel procurred the following royal titles and their privilidge from Prince Alexander of England from his de jur selection of inherited rights which descend via his family line who were the original royal title holders and command bearers of the Outremer Kingdom found in circa 1100 AD by Godfrey De Bullion Duke of Lower Lorraine, Germany who through the first crusade became King of Israel. The titles obtained were as follows;

- Dukedom of Oultrejordain (now Jordan) - Baronary of Nazareth (located in Israel) - Baronary of Kolosis Castle (located in Cypress)

These titles were reconsidered in 2004 by the D' Nigel family and its heirs this family being a line which can name its descendents over 6000 years, all the way back to the biblical "Adam". Being a King line descent from Norway a decision was made to regenerate royal power based on the might of this family history ambition and fitness to satisty the will of God and in path which opens to such desire.

The following changes to title were made and Dukedom and Baronary's extended realising the hate for confinement and Principalities established based on the need for sovergein rule of the bearing capita and for the grand illumination of the heirs in the countries where they lie. Accordingly the right of the title was reconsidered and declared on oath before God as witness to satisfy the desire of the D' Nigel family healthy survival.

Accordingly the "Witness of the Right" to the intention of the principality is detail in words as a "Declaration" as follows:

Principality of Oultrejordain


I Vernon John D' Nigel on this day do solemly swear on oath before the Court of this Land to with respect to its power, confirm to God that it is my sincere intention to do what is right by principal in obtain heirs true to my name. That heirs should become by a process of survival whereupon it is my will that they shall in your Glory and Wisdom and be accepted by the Almighty powers that are in good faith for their endeavour.

Family Genealogy Web Resoucres

http://www.ststp.com/Archives/Scandinavian/Mythology/Pedigree/ http://baggetthistory.com/history1c.html http://84.1911encyclopedia.org/S/ST/STAFFORD_FAMILY_.htm http://www.ststp.com/Archives/Scandinavian/Mythology/Pedigree/