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What is this page? Who knows? The moment you figure out, however, you are welcome to contribute (although, alas, I cannot guarentee that your contribution will be kept).

That about sums it up.






Antarctic (penguins for the most part)




===Germanic=== (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanic_peoples)

  • Alamanni
  • Ambrones
  • Ampsivarii
  • Angles
  • Angrivarii
  • Batavii
  • Bavarii
  • Bructeri
  • Burgundians
  • Canninefates
  • Chamavi
  • Chasuarii
  • Chauci
  • Cherusci
  • Chatti
  • Cimbri
  • Dulgubnii
  • Fosi
  • Franks
  • Frisians
  • Geats
  • Gepidae
  • Goths
  • Harii
  • Helisii
  • Helvetii
  • Heruli
  • Hermunduri
  • Jutes
  • Langobardes
  • Lemovii
  • Lombards
  • Lugii
  • Manimi
  • Marcomanni
  • Marobudui
  • Mattiaci
  • Naharvali
  • Nemetes
  • Nervii
  • Njars
  • Quadi
  • Saxons
  • Semoni
  • Sitones
  • Suebi
  • Suiones
  • Sugambri
  • Tencteri
  • Teutons
  • Trevi
  • Triboci
  • Tudri
  • Ubii
  • Usipetes
  • Vandals
  • Vangiones

===Turkic=== (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkic_people)

  • Azeris
  • Avars
  • Balkars
  • Gagauzs
  • Gokturks
  • Huns
  • Hephthalites
  • Karachays
  • Karakalpaks
  • Karapapaks
  • Kazakhs
  • Khazars
  • Kirghiz
  • Kumyks
  • Kypchaks
  • Oghuz
  • Tatars
  • Turkmens
  • Turks
  • Tuvans
  • Uighurs
  • Uzbeks
  • Yakuts

===Chinese=== (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Chinese_ethnic_groups)

  1. Han (汉族)
  2. Zhuang (壮族)
  3. Manchu (满族)
  4. Hui (回族)
  5. Miao (苗族) (Hmong)
  6. Uighur (维吾尔族)
  7. Yi (彝族)
  8. Tujia (土家族)
  9. Mongol (蒙古族)
  10. Tibetan (藏族)
  11. Buyi (布依族)
  12. Dong (侗族)
  13. Yao (瑶族)
  14. Korean (朝鲜族)
  15. Bai (白族)
  16. Hani (哈尼族)
  17. Li (黎族)
  18. Kazakh (哈萨克族)
  19. Dai (傣族, also called Dai Lue, one of the Thai ethnic groups)
  20. She (畲族)
  21. Lisu (傈僳族)
  22. Gelao (仡佬族)
  23. Lahu (拉祜族)
  24. Dongxiang (东乡族)
  25. Wa (佤族) (Va)
  26. Shui (水族)
  27. Naxi (纳西族) (includes the Mosuo (摩梭))
  28. Qiang (羌族)
  29. Du (土族)
  30. Xibe (锡伯族)
  31. Mulam (仫佬族)
  32. Kirghiz (柯尔克孜族)
  33. Daur (达斡尔族)
  34. Jingpo (景颇族)
  35. Salar (撒拉族)
  36. Blang (布朗族 Bulang)
  37. Maonan (毛南族)
  38. Tajik (塔吉克族)
  39. Pumi (普米族)
  40. Achang (阿昌族)
  41. Nu (怒族)
  42. Evenki (鄂温克族)
  43. Gin (京族 Jing1)
  44. Jino (基诺族)
  45. De'ang (德昂族)
  46. Uzbek (乌孜别克族)
  47. Russian (俄罗斯族)
  48. Yugur (裕固族)
  49. Bonan (保安族)
  50. Menba (门巴族)
  51. Oroqin (鄂伦春族)
  52. Drung (独龙族)
  53. Tatar (塔塔尔族)
  54. Hezhen (赫哲族)
  55. Lhoba (珞巴族)
  56. Gaoshan (高山族) (Taiwanese aborigine)

also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xiongnu

===Thai=== (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thai_ethnic_groups)

  • the Lao of Laos and Northeast Thailand
  • the Northern Thai (Thai Yuan) of Thailand
  • the Central Thai of Thailand
  • the Shan (Thai Yai) of Burma
  • the Thai Lue of Laos and China(also called "Dai")
  • the Black Thai of Laos and Vietnam
  • the Red Thai
  • White Thai

Oceanic (Including Austria and New Zealand)
