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User:Gwalla/modality (linguistics)

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In linguistics, a grammatical category that expresses the status of a proposition. Certainty, probability, desirability, and obligation are all examples of modality. In most languages it is shown through auxiliary verbs (called modal verbs), grammatical particles, or by inflection of the verb (see grammatical mood).

Realis and Irrealis

Realis & Irrealis grammatical categories
realis & irrealis mood inflections
indicative & subjunctive

Propositional modality


Epistemic modality


Evidential modality


Mixed propositional systems


Event modality


Imperative, jussive, and hortative


Deontic modality


Dynamic modality


Wishes and fears


Modality and Tense

Future tense as irrealis
Modal-past, "would"  as modal-past, Greek optative as past-tense subjunctive