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The tags we use / tagi do wykorzystania:

  • Missions - (id 1 - 799)

  • POL - Poland / Polska (id 1000 - 1999)
  • SOV - Bolsheviks / Bolszewicy (id 2000 - 2999)
  • RUS - the Whites and the Entente / Biali (id 3000 - 3999)
  • BLR - Belarus National Republic / Białoruś (id 4000 - 4999)
  • UKR - Ukraine / Ukraina (id 5000 - 5999)
  • LIT - Lithuania (id 6000 - 6999)
  • U00 - Makhnovshchina / Machnowszczyna (id 7000 - 7500)
  • U01 - Greater Poland / Wielkopolska (id 7501 - 7999)
  • U02 - Ober-Ost / Niemieckie garnizony (id 8000 - 8500)
  • U03 - Central Lithuania / Litwa Środkowa (id 8500 - 8999)
  • U04 - Western Ukraine / ZURL (id 9000 - 9500)
  • U05 - Republic of Tarnobrzeg./ Republika Tarnobrzegu (id ????/????)
  • U06 - Red Poland / Komunistyczna Polska (id 9500 - 9999)
  • LOT - Latvia / Łotwa (id 10200 - 10399)
  • EST - Estonia / Estonia (id 10400 - 10599)
  • ROM - Romania / Rumunia (id 10600 - 10799)
  • GER - Germany / Niemcy (id 10800/10899)

  • endgame - (id 800 - 899)
  • all - (id 900 - 999)
  • flavors - (id 10000 - 10099)
  • AI switch - (id 10100 - 10199)




  • UKR/U04/SOV/RUS Government changes / Zmiany rządów
  • U04/UKR/POL "Western Ukraine" granted to Poland by the Entente / Ententa przyznaje Polsce "Zachodnią Ukrainę"
  • UKR/SOV UkrSSR and the USSR / Ukraina Sowiecka - Jozi02
  • RUS/SOV/UKR/U02/U04 - Mobilization/Mobilizacja


  • POL Haller's Blue Army / Błękitna Armia Hallera
  • POL Rail workers' strike in Ostrava / Strajk kolejarzy w Ostrawie
  • POL Supplies from the Entente / Pomoc materiałowa Ententy - Viader
  • POL Volunteer Army / Armia ochotnicza


  • RUS Entente help / Pomoc Ententy
  • RUS Internal struggles for power / Walki o władzę


  • UKR/U04 Internal struggle for power / Walki o władzę
  • UKR Alliance with Poland / Sojusz z Polską
  • UKR/U04 Unification of Ukraine / Połączenie Ukrain




  • POL/SOV Polish Revolutionary Committee / Komitet Rewolucyjny Polski
  • BLR/POL Bułak-Bałachowicz
  • POL/LIT Polish protests over the name of "Boguslaw Radziwill" Brigade / protesty w sprawie brygady imienia "Gnidy" Bogusława
  • POL/U04 Defence of Lvov / Obrona Lwowa - Wieslaw
  • POL/SOV Curzon Line / Linia Curzona - Viader'


  • POL Return of the Siberian Brigade / Powrót Brygady Syberyjskiej
  • POL Tank Regiment / Pułk Czołgów
  • POL Plebiscite in Masuria / Plebiscyt na Warmii i Mazurach -Larry2903
  • POL French and British Military Missions to Poland / francuska i brytyjska misja wojskowa
  • flavour: Charles de Gaulle, d'Abernon, Weygand, Henrys, Carton de Wiart
  • POL Sionists and the Polish government / Syjoniści a polski rząd
  • POL Tartars, Muslims and other nationalities in the Polish Army / Tatarzy, Muzułmanie i inni w Wojsku Polskim -Larry2903
  • POL Defense of Warsaw / Obrona Warszawy
  • POL Silesia - Grenzschutz / Śląsk - Grenzschutz
  • POL HQ Press Office Affair / Afera Biura Prasowego Sztabu
  • POL Kościuszko Escadrille / Eskadra kościuszkowska - Ufiak
  • UKR diplomatical relations of Ukraine / dyplomacja Ukrainy - Jozi02
  • POL Piłsudski and the Międzymorze confederation plan / Piłsudski i koncepcja Międzymorza - Jozi02
  • POL Conflict with Lithuania over Vilna / Konflikt z Litwą o Wilno - Jozi02
  • POL Conflict with Lithuania over Suwałki / Konflikt z Litwą o Suwałki - Jozi02
  • POL Supplies from the Entente / Pomoc materiałowa Ententy - Viader
  • POL Arrival of reinforcements to Lvov in March of 1919 / Przybycie do Lwowa posiłków z Wlkp. w marcu 1919 - Wieslaw
  • POL flavour: Korfanty - Wieslaw
  • POL 1019 - Polish support for the free Caucassus / Uznanie państw Kaukaskich - Jozi02
  • POL 1020 - Tytus Filipowicz's mission to the Caucassus / Misja Tytusa Filipawicza na Kaukaz - Jozi02
  • POL 1021 to 1023 - POL-UKR Alliance / Umowa POL-UKR - Jozi02
  • POL 1024 - Petliura's visit to Warsaw / Petlura w Warszawie - Jozi02
  • POL 1025 - Helsinki Conference / Konferencja w Helsinkach - Jozi02

Bolshevic Russia

  • SOV War production / produkcja wojenna
  • SOV Target: Vistula operation / Operacja Cel: Wisła
  • SOV Fights with religion / Walki z religiami
  • SOV New Economic Policy (NEP) / Nowa Ekonomiczna Polityka (NEP)
  • SOV Antonow Uprising / Powstanie Antonowa
  • SOV Socialist parties / Partie socjalistyczne
  • SOV Problems with Lenin's health / Problemy ze zdrowiem Lenina
  • SOV Black Ordothox Church and Tichon / Czarny Kościół Prawosławny i Tichon
  • SOV 2010 to 2014 - Successes in Siberia / Sukcesy na Syberii - by Sir Kaytek

White Russia



  • UKR/U04 Internal struggle for power / Walki o władzę
  • UKR/U04 Unification of Ukraine / Połączenie Ukrain
  • UKR Reorganisation of Ukrainian Army / Reorganizacja armii ukraińskiej
  • UKR Alliance with Poland / Sojusz z Polską
  • UKR Semen Petlura - flavour
  • UKR/U04 Kiev taken / Zajęcie Kijowa
  • UKR Failed draft into the Ukrainian army / Fiasko zaciągu do armii
  • UKR Kiev lost / Utrata Kijowa
  • UKR flavour: Pavlo Skoropadsky
  • UKR Skoropadsky and the end of the Hetmanate / Skoropadski i koniec hetmanatu (14.12.1919)


  • BLR Minsk lost / utrata Mińska
  • BLR Government in Exile / Rząd na wychodźstwie
  • BLR Lit-Biel


  • U00 Makhnovshchina Moskal

Greater Poland

  • U01 flavour: Taczak and Dowbór-Muśnicki (16.01 1919)
  • U01 Greater Poland Uprising - Wieslaw
  • U01 Poznan liberated / Poznań wyzwolony (6.01 1919) - Wieslaw
  • U01 German offensive / Ofensywa niemiecka z poł. stycznia 1919 - Wieslaw


  • U02 Mass desertions / Masowe dezercje - Viader
  • U02 High dissent / wysokie niezadowolenie społ. - Viader
  • U02 Withdrawal from the East / Wycofywanie garnizonów - Viader
  • U02 Dockers' strike in Danzig / Strajk dokerów w Gdańsku - Viader

Central Lithuania

  • U03 Lucjan Żeligowski
  • U03 Vilnian Sejm Elections / Wybory do sejmu wileńskiego
  • U03 Too large army, too small state / Za duża armia, za mały kraj

Western Ukraine

  • U04 Fights over Lvov / Walki o Lwów
  • U04 Withdrawal to the other side of the Zbruch river / Odwrót za Zbrucz
  • U04 Grekov's counter-offensive / Kontrofensywa Grekowa (June 1919)





Here we put numbers of events which don't have their descriptions, but are added to WERS packs. Note that we don't put number of these events which are only for AI or the country which would have it, is (and not will be) not-playable by human player.

  • POL 1136 - The Jew isolation camp - by Viader
  • POL 1137 - The Polish-Czechoslovakian border treaty - by Viader
  • SOV 2043 - Soviets gives Wilno to Lithuania - by Viader



This means the events that were submitted to forum and/or released in the latest build.

Total number of events/Całkowita liczba eventów: 218 events!



This is a list of mission event chains, regardless of the country the events are for.

  • Mission 1 to 10 - Polish-Ukrainian War - by Halibutt
  • Mission 11 to 14 - reserved by Halibutt


  • 800 to 801 - Soviet victory - by Viader
  • 802 to 803 - Polish victory - by Viader
  • 804 to 805 - White Russian victory - by Viader
  • 806 to 807 - Ukrainian victory - by Viader
  • 808 to 809 - WUPR victory - by Viader
  • 810 to 811 - German victory - by Viader


  • 900 to 902 - Sea tragedy by Sir Kaytek
  • 903 - Hidden Good by Sir Kaytek
  • 904 - Scuttling at Scapa Flow by Sir Kaytek
  • 905 - Difficulty levels by Viader


  • POL 1000 - Starting event - by Lt. Hilsdorf
  • POL 1001 - Virtuti Militari - by Jozi02
  • POL 1002 - Cavalry School in Grudziądz - by Jozi02
  • POL 1003 - Defence of Warsaw - by Lt. Hilsdorf
  • POL 1004 - Our independence is at stake - by Lt. Hilsdorf
  • POL 1005 - End game event - by Lt. Hilsdorf
  • POL 1006 - May 3rd, the Polish national feast - by Jozi02
  • POL 1007 - Czechoslovakia enters Cieszyn Silesia - by Jozi02
  • POL 1008 - Silesia divided - by Jozi02
  • POL 1009 - Tragic death of Stefan Bastyr - by Halibutt
  • POL 1010 - Pomerania granted to Poland - by Halibutt
  • POL 1011 - Pomerania to Poland - by Halibutt
  • POL 1012 - Wedding of Poland to the Sea - by Jozi02 & Halibutt
  • POL 1013 - Cross of the Valorous - by Jozi02
  • POL 1014 - 50th "Francesco Nullo" Infantry Regiment - by Halibutt
  • POL 1015 - 3rd Legions Infantry Division - by Halibutt
  • POL 1016 to 1018 - Żeligowski's 4th Rifles Division - by Halibutt
  • POL 1019 to 1020 - Recognition of Caucassian states - by Jozi02
  • POL 1021 to 1023 - Polish-Ukrainian Alliance - by Jozi02
  • POL 1024 to 1025 - reserved by Jozi02
  • POL 1026 - Conference in Spa by Viader
  • POL 1027 to 1028 - Agrarian reforms - by Viader
  • POL 1029 - Problem of Central Lithuania - by Viader
  • POL 1030 - The partition of Central Lithuania - by Viader
  • POL 1031 - Peace treaty with Lithuania - by Viader
  • POL 1032 to 1033 - The Wilno plebiscyte - by Viader
  • POL 1034 - Zeligowski and creation of Central Lithuania - by Viader
  • POL 1035 - Lithuanian-Belarussian Divisions - by Viader
  • POL 1036 - Council of National Defense - by Viader
  • POL 1037 to 1039 - reserved by Viader
  • POL 1040 - Parliamentary elections - by Viader
  • POL 1041 to 1042 - The rise and fall of Gabriel Narutowicz - by Viader
  • POL 1044 to 1045 - Polish constitution of 1921 - by Viader
  • POL 1047 - Tragic death of Mieczysław Garsztka - by Halibutt
  • POL 1048 to 1061 - 1st Tank Regiment series - by Halibutt and Ufiak
  • POL 1062 to 1070 - reserved by Ufiak
  • POL 1071 - Polish AAA detachment - by Halibutt and Przemo
  • POL 1072 to 1083 - reserved by Dziobak
  • POL 1084 - French Military Mission - by Halibutt
  • POL 1085 - Charles DeGaulle - by Halibutt
  • POL 1086 - French instructors - by Halibutt
  • POL 1087 - French Army manuals - by Halibutt
  • POL 1088 - Interallied Mission to Poland - by Halibutt
  • POL 1089 to 1090 - Broad gauge vs. standard gauge - by Halibutt
  • POL 1091 - Polish-German Agreement - by Halibutt
  • POL 1092 to 1097 - German garrisons withdrawn from Brześć, Suwałki, Kobryń... - by Halibutt
  • POL 1098 - Grodno to Poland - by Halibutt
  • POL 1099 - Polish-Bolshevik War - by Halibutt
  • POL 1100 - First dog-fight - by Sir Kaytek
  • POL 1101 - USA recognise Poland - by Viader
  • POL 1102 - France recognise Poland - by Viader
  • POL 1103 - Great Britain recognise Poland - by Viader
  • POL 1104 - The begin of Versailes Conference - by Viader
  • POL 1105 - The end of Versailes Conference - by Viader
  • POL 1106 to 1109 - The goverment changes - by Viader
  • POL 1110 - The Act of state of emergency - by Viader
  • POL 1111 - The murder of Russian Red Cross delegation - by Viader
  • POL 1112 - The American Relief Administration - by Viader
  • POL 1113 - American military help - by Viader
  • POL 1114 - The American humanitarian aid - by Viader
  • POL 1115 - Lidia and Luniniec to Poland - by Viader
  • POL 1116 to 1118 - Cipher Office - by Sir Kaytek
  • POL 1119 to 1120 - Create of HQ - by Sir Kaytek
  • POL 1121 - Lida & Luniniec to Poland - by Conquistador
  • POL 1122 to 1129 - FREE
  • POL 1130 - Coup attempt in Warsaw - by Viader
  • POL 1131 to 1132 - Polish communists and the Bolsheviks - by Viader and Halibutt
  • POL 1133 - The mobilization - by Viader
  • POL 1134 - Polish Red Cross - by Sir Kaytek
  • POL 1135 - Polish money - by Viader
  • POL 1136 - The Jew isolation camp - by Viader
  • POL 1137 - The Polish-Czechoslovakian border treaty - by Viader
  • POL 1138-1148 - Silesian Uprising by Wieslaw
  • POL 1150-1154 - Partition of German colonies after WWI - by Conquistador
  • POL 1160 to 1161 - Recognition of Polish Independence - by Lt. Hilsdorf
  • POL 1162 & 1163 - AI defends Lwow - by Conquistador
  • POL 1164 - Dockers' strike in Danzig - by Viader
  • POL 1165 - Greater Poland joins Poland - by Viader
  • POL 1166 - The pacification of Rep. of Tarnobrzeg - by Conquistador
  • POL 1168 - Muslims in Polish Army - by Larry2903
  • POL 1170 to 1172 - Polish-Lithuanian alliance - byConquistador
  • POL 1173 - Decline of WUPR - by Viader
  • POL 1174-1179 - Mobilization - by Vaider
  • POL 1180-1183 - Plebiscite in Masuria - by Larry2903
  • POL 1184 - Polish reaction on Romania's theft - by Larry2903
  • POL 1185 - Romania helps - by Larry2903
  • POL 1227 - Peace with Ukraine - by Larry2903

Bolshevist Russia

  • SOV 2000 - Polish-Bolshevik War - by Lt. Hilsdorf
  • SOV 2001 - End game events - by Lt. Hilsdorf
  • SOV 2002 to 2006 - Lenin's speeches - by Sir Kaytek
  • SOV 2007 - The First Hungarian Soviet Republic - by Sir Kaytek
  • SOV 2008 - Bolshevik aid for Soviet Hungary - by Sir Kaytek
  • SOV 2009 - Bolshevik alliance with Makhno - by Lt. Hilsdorf
  • SOV 2010 to 2014 - reserved by Sir Kaytek
  • SOV 2015 - Polish communists and peace with Poland - by Halibutt
  • SOV 2016 to 2024 - Lenin's speeches Mod - by Sir Kaytek
  • SOV 2025 to 2026 - Entente evacuates Archangel - by Sir Kaytek
  • SOV 2027 to 2028 - Broad gauge vs. standard gauge - by Halibutt
  • SOV 2029 - Target: Vistula - by Halibutt
  • SOV 2030 - Polish-Bolshevik War - by Halibutt
  • SOV 2031 to 2032 - Entente leaves Siberia - by Sir Kaytek
  • SOV 2033 to 2034 - reserved by Sir Kaytek
  • SOV 2035 to 2040 - Sea action by Sir Kaytek
  • SOV 2041 - The Polish Revolutionary Committee - by Viader
  • SOV 2042 - Communist regime in Poland - by Viader
  • SOV 2043 - Soviets give Wilno to Lithuania - by Viader
  • SOV 2045 & 2046 - AI defends Moscow and Leningrad - by Conquistador
  • SOV 2047 - Anarchist Machno - by Viader
  • SOV 2048 - Makhno partisans surrender - by Viader
  • SOV 2049 - War communism - by Viader
  • SOV 2050 - Food requisition - by Viader
  • SOV 2051 - Farmers' rebelion - by Viader
  • SOV 2052 - Kronsztad revolt - by Viader
  • SOV 2053 to 2054 - Lenin's weakning health - by Viader
  • SOV 2070 to 2075 - Mobilization - by Viader
  • SOV 2080 - Peace with Estonia - by Conquistador
  • SOV 2081 - FREE
  • SOV 2082 - West reinforcements - by Conquistador

White Russia

  • RUS 3000 - 4th Polish Rifles Division in Odessa - by Halibutt
  • RUS 3001 to 3002 - Entente evacuates Archangel - by Sir Kaytek and Halibutt
  • RUS 3003 - flavour: Kolchak - by Halibutt
  • RUS 3004 - flavour: Yudenich - by Halibutt
  • RUS 3005 - flavour: Wrangel - by Halibutt
  • RUS 3006 - flavour: Denikin - by Halibutt
  • RUS 3007 to 3008 - Entante left Siberia by Sir Kaytek
  • RUS 3009 - reserved by Sir Kaytek
  • RUS 3010 to 3015 - Sea action by Sir Kaytek
  • RUS 3017 to 3019 - Makhnovshchina Revolt by Lt. Hilsdorf
  • RUS 3020 to 3022 - Recognition of Polish Independence by Lt. Hilsdorf
  • RUS 3023 to 3024 - Internal struggles for power - by Viader
  • RUS 3030 - Border dispute with Poland - by Conquistador
  • RUS 3031 to 3033 - Alliance with Ukraine - by Larry2903
  • RUS 3034 - War versus Ukraine - by Larry2903


  • UKR 5000 to 5002 - Unification of Ukraines - by Jozi02
  • UKR 5003 to 5004 - Polish-Ukrainian Alliance - by Jozi02
  • UKR 5005 - Polish-Ukrainian Peace - by Larry2903
  • UKR 5006 to 5008 - Full unification of Ukraines - by Larry2903
  • UKR 5009 - Alliance with Whites - by Larry2903


  • U00 7000 - Alliance with the Reds - by Lt. Hilsdorf
  • U00 7001 - Partisants troops
  • U00 7002 - Fights with Reds - by Viader
  • U00 151821 - flavour: Father Makhno / Bat'ka Machno by Moskal
  • U00 151822 Anarchism and the Black Army / Anarchizm i Czarna Armia by Moskal

Ober-Ost and Germany

  • U02 8000 to 8002 - Pomerania to Poland - by Halibutt
  • U02 8005 - Polish-Bolshevik War - What shall we do? - by Viader
  • U02 8006 - Monarchist revolution in Germany - by Viader
  • U02 8007 to 8008 - Communist revolution - by Viader
  • U02 8009 - Entente presures Germany - by Halibutt
  • U02 8010 - Polish-German agreement - by Halibutt
  • U02 8011 - Brześć to Poland - by Halibutt
  • U02 8012 - transfer of Białystok to Poland - by Halibutt
  • U02 8013 - Pińsk to Poland - by Halibutt
  • U02 8014 - Suwałki to Lithuania or Poland - by Halibutt
  • U02 8015 - Withdrawal from Grodno - by Halibutt
  • U02 8016 - Withdrawal from the East - by Viader
  • U02 8017 - High dissent - by Viader
  • U02 8018 - Mass desertions from the Ober Ost armies - by Viader and Halibutt
  • GER 8020 - Plebiscite in Masuria - by Larry2903
  • U02 8021 - Catching the Posen - by Viader


Western Ukraine

  • U04 9000 - Unification of Ukraines - by Jozi02
  • U04 9001 - Lwów taken - by Halibutt
  • U04 9002 - reserved by Jozi02
  • U04 9003 to 9004 - Jewish Battalion of the UHA - by Halibutt
  • U04 9005 - Ceasefire with Poland - by Viader
  • U04 9006 to 9007 - Decline of WUPR - by Viader
  • U04 9010 to 9011 - AI
  • U04 9012 - Full unification of Ukraines - by Larry2903


  • LIT 6000 - War with Poland - by Viader
  • LIT 6001 - Polish-Lithuanian Union - by Viader
  • LIT 6002 - Zeligowski and creation of Central Lithuania - Lithuanian reaction - by Viader
  • LIT 6003 - The Fall of Wilno - by Viader
  • LIT 6004 to 6009 - FREE
  • LIT 6010 to 6013 - Polish-Lithuanian alliance - by Conquistador


  • EST 10400 - 3rd Estonian Division - by Conquistador
  • EST 10401-10402 - peace with USRR - by Conquistador


  • ROM 10600 - Invasion on Pokucie - Larry2903
  • ROM 10601 - End of invasion on Pokucie - Larry2903

AI switch

  • SOV 10100 - >> WERS_SOV_Warsaw.ai - by Conquistador
  • POL 10101 - >> WERS_POL_1920.ai - by Conquistador
  • POL 10102 - >> WERS_POL_Warsaw.ai - by Conquistador
  • EST 10103 - >> WERS_EST_def.ai - by Conquistador


  • 10000 to 10005 - Makhnovist info by Lt. Hilsdorf
  • 10006 - Rep. of Tarnobrzeg info by Conquistador